Where Can I Serve?
Jesus told his disciples—that includes us—to go out and make other disciples in every nation (Matthew 28:19). We take that Great Commission to heart here at PCC, and one of our most important values is our mission to the world. Our mission-minded culture begins right here in our church, extends to our local community and reaches as far out into the world as Cambodia! Our members are involved in a variety of missions and outreach ministries by supporting our local school district, filling those beautiful red and green boxes, communicating with those stuck at home, singing praises, and even helping with technology.
Wanna help?
If it is underlined, click the link to learn more about that ministry opportunity.
*Maybe your heart is for spreading the gospel of Jesus…
*Maybe you have the gift of gab and making people feel welcome…
*Maybe you can make a joyful noise….
*Maybe a click, swipe or tap is your favorite way to communicate…
*Maybe your heart if for education…
*Maybe you are a battle seasoned prayer warrior….
Other Ministry Opportunities:
Many hands make light work! Like the writer of Hebrews, we urge our members to consider how we can inspire one another toward showing love through the work we do for our church, and larger community. Here at PCC, we have a number of committees that fill a host of needs for our building and membership that we hope can provide such opportunities:
*Building and Grounds: Maintenance, repair and improvements to our physical propertyM
* Evangelism: Speaking Jesus into our community in pointed and meaningful ways.
* Budget & Finance Committee: Directed stewardship for our Kingdom work.
*Special Dinners & Receptions: Blessing those celebrating or grieving by preparing and serving meals. Our meals are the first Sunday of the months.
*Women’s Ministry: Bringing the women of our church together for Study, fellowship or special events.
Whether it’s leading worship, teaching the littles, reaching into the community, making repairs, baking cookies, crunching the numbers or reaching across the miles to our brothers and sisters worldwide, there are plentiful opportunities to serve our Lord here at Pomeroy Christian Church! Are you feeling called yet?
Contact us if you would like to volunteer in any aspect.